Team Building  Events


 Improve Team Accountability and Communication

Team Building for Athletes… Delivered by a coach who has been where you are.

Develop the positive chemistry and communication you desire with a full or half-day event that transforms your group of individuals into a stronger team.

Sean Glaze offers custom workshops that dig deeper to address your specific workplace challenges, helping your organization see issues from a fresh perspective and resolve them to become a more productive team.

Athlete Team Building Events are More Than Just a Day of Play

Yes, team relationships strengthened – but the take-aways from insightful debriefing discussions address other improtant issues as well, including leadership, communication, and accountability..

Research has shown experiential activities are the most effective way to ensure engagement and lasting impact. As a veteran teacher, Sean skillfully facilitates fun challenges that provide outcomes your players can apply –

Sean’s background and experience as a head coach himself provides valuable perspective to help your college athletes grow together, take ownership, and become a more productive team culture.

The Benefits of Team Building Events

For College Athletes

Preseason Challenges Develop Leaders and Better Teamwork

Whether you’re looking for a preseason athletic team building event or an in-season group event to energize your athletes and address specific teamwork issues, a day of challenging team activities can have a tremendous impact on the leadership and cohesiveness in your program.

More than any other area, athletic experiences and examples have provided a warehouse for nostalgia and life-long lessons of mental toughness, interdependence, and leadership.

Teamwork, mental toughness and self-talk are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the strategy of X’s and O’s that many leaders spend so much time with.  Coaches are often amazed to see the impact and results that athletic team building, shared team goals, or a motivational speaker can have on transforming athletes into a committed team with a shared purpose who care for their teammates.

Teamwork is about relationships and accountability

Those values will remain with your players long after their uniform is returned.  While giving yourself a more successful season, you are also giving those athletes the tools for a more successful and significant life by introducing them to steps that will improve their mental toughness, create better self-talk, and promote team accountability.

Performing well requires better teamwork – and even when some don’t get the spotlight of recognition, they are there making team successes possible.  The greatest thing you can become a small contributing part of SOMETHING GREATER than yourself.

Develop the Mental Toughness to Overcome Adversity…

Rest assured that the new drill or offense you have been watching on video’s or going to clinics to discover will NEVER have half the impact of a preseason  athletic team building event – where your athletes improve team leadership skills and learn to trust one another.

Give your athletes a chance to create stronger bonds while becoming more aware of the strengths and personalities of those they will be depending on.

GREAT RESULTS wait on the other side of your decision to book Sean to facilitate challenging and fun activities that provide lasting lessons – and provide a handful of the Winning Phrases that will impact your program for years!

Whether you choose an in-person or a virtual team culture event, Sean will customize the experience to address the issues that YOUR team is experiencing… and will deliver insights and increased awareness that change behaviors!

The athletic team building lessons your athletes will enjoy during a preseason or mid-season event are each designed to inspire mental toughness, accountability, and problem-solving, and will also help to identify and improve team communication skills in people you will depend on throughout your season.

“I can’t say enough about what Sean Glaze brought to my team and our staff. In a world where authentic, meaningful, and relevant opportunities for leadership development are hard to find, he quickly demonstrated the communication, planning, and personal insights/experience necessary to connect with our student athletes in a way that was beneficial in the moment and beyond. We still use and refer to many of those experiences…”

– Joe Viehman, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, CHS



Sean Glaze strengthens the bonds between your athletes

and increases their understanding of team roles.

Every year brings adversity, but the interactive activities and group challenges your team will experience with me as your facilitator or motivational speaker will prepare them to move beyond adversity to achieve your goals with better teamwork.

All mental toughness and team trust building activities are followed up by a debriefing discussion where your team will apply the lessons to their specific situation.

Most importantly, your athletes will discuss and reflect on team goals and roles, peer accountability, and the effect of self-talk on performance…

talk with sean about an event for your team
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activities for smart team leaders!

Athletic Team building Leads to Growth

Athletic leadership training can have a profound impact on the success of your team.

By fostering a positive and sticky culture, improving communication skills, and helping teammates become better leaders, a catalyst event can help coaches to win more games and develop stronger, more cohesive teams.

athletes team building

Studies have shown team building activities can lead to increased trust, improved communication, and a stronger sense of cohesion among team members. This can translate into better performance on the field, as players are able to work together more effectively and trust one another to make decisions.


Leadership training can also play a crucial role in helping coaches to win more games. Effective leaders are able to inspire their teams, provide direction and guidance, and create a positive environment that encourages growth and success.

Research has shown that strong leadership is associated with improved team performance, as well as increased motivation and engagement among team members.  Contact Sean to discuss a team building event for your athletes today!