What to Ask When Hiring a Professional Keynote Speaker

Any successful team building event relies on one main thing: the keynote speaker.

This is the most important part because the business keynote speaker that you hire for the event must be the right fit.

Getting the wrong one can be a disaster and could completely ruin the tone and meaning of the event. When you are hiring, be sure that you talk to the candidates you are thinking of bringing in for your event and be sure that both of you have an idea of the intention that you wish to set.

How can you be sure that you have the most professional keynote speaker for the event you are planning?


Here are some questions to help you be sure that you understand each other.

Questions to ask yourself

When you are hiring a business keynote speaker, ask yourself these questions. Too many events are thrown together without proper planning or adequate thought about the outcome.


Considering the success of the event through these questions will help determine what you need:

•  What is the objective of your event?

•  What lasting take-aways do you want your team to leave with?

•  What do you want the professional keynote speaker to emphasize?

•  Do you want a keynote speaker who is interactive and entertaining?



Questions to ask a potential business keynote speaker:

What can you do for us?

This question gives an opportunity for you and the speaker to get to know each other, and for the speaker to talk about what he or she can offer. A professional keynote speaker will have interactive events, workshops, and will offer the possibility of break out coaching sessions.

Can you give us suggestions?

The business keynote speaker is the expert in team building and productivity and will be able to offer a lot of things that you have not considered. Be sure to discuss possibilities and activities.

What would a sample schedule look like?

When you ask this question, you will be getting a good idea of how the event will go according to the speaker, and you can use these ideas and activities to focus the event.

What do you need us to provide for you?

Will the keynote speaker provide the equipment or materials that are needed, or will there be preparations that must be made in advance?

How much will this cost?

The answer will depend on how much you need and what you are expecting from the event. Cost is one reason why determining what is expected from the beginning is important.

A speaker fee is usually determined by the details of the event, the number of participants and the activities you require. A really great business keynote speaker will cost money, but will be a great return on investment.

What can we do later to be sure that this all sticks?

You want this event to be powerful and memorable, and you want your group to have fun, be motivated, and have positive and lasting take-aways—will the business keynote speaker provide any follow-up later?


If you want to ensure that you enjoy a true return on your investment, and see a positive impact from the experience that your speaker delivers, check out the messages that Sean offers!


Sean Glaze is one of Americas top rated Teamwork Speakers.


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