Category Archives: Great Results

How to Reduce Stress and Delegate Leadership on Your Team

Recent research has suggested that 80% of employees feel stressed due to ineffective communication in their organization (GoRemotely 2020). But employees are not the only ones feeling overwhelmed or stressed by their jobs. Leaders and managers in every industry are struggling more with delegation. With the turnover that so many teams have experienced, new hires […]

Why Psychological Safety Creates Winning Cultures

What does WINNING mean to you and your team? More sales and satisfied clients? More support from co-workers? More smiles and enjoyment each day? REGARDLESS of your industry, I guarantee that WINNING will require you to build a more positive and profitable team CULTURE –  And that requires you to value and encourage psychological team […]

Sustained Success Requires Your Team to Be Coachable

Why should you BE COACHABLE? I spent two decades in locker rooms coaching basketball before transitioning to share those lessons with leaders in other industries as a conference speaker and author. And it was ALWAYS clear who the most talented athletes were at the beginning of our season. In a similar way, you probably know […]


If you are a smart leader, you understand the importance of chaving effective team meeting that does not suck. Meetings are where your team communicates.. The quality of your communication determines how successful your team will be. That is why we meet – whether remotely or in-person, whether daily or weekly, every team needs to […]


Dear Teachers –   Welcome to a new school year-  Having taught in public high schools for over two decades, I know how important preplanning time is!  You’re excited to get in your rooms and make copies and prepare your lesson plans  Ok, maybe not so excited about lesson plans  ; ) But I want […]

Two Question Activities to Create Connection and Empathy in Your Remote Team Meetings

The art of leadership used to be easier, right?  Remember the old days? People were there with you in person at the office… People expected the “boss” to TELL them what to do… But those easier days of leadership weren’t necessarily BETTER. If you are sincerely committed to being a great leader today for your […]

How Great Leaders Get Team Members and Employees to Contribute Ideas for Improvement and Innovation

It’s really not difficult. That is literally true of ANY leadership lesson you will learn. What I struggled with as a young coach was finding and implementing the ideas that our team could benefit from. Because as a young leader I didn’t know what I had to eventually learn from others – or from my own […]

An Unexpectedly Fun Effective Way to Check In and Stay Connected With Your Remote Team

As a leader, trying to stay connected to your people can be difficult even when you work in the same office. But with virtual or blended teams, communication and connection are even more of a challenge – and you need to have an effective way to check in with the people on your remote team […]

ONE Simple Question to Use in Interviews to Hire a New Team Member or Add Someone to Your Team!

Trying to hire a new team member or add someone to your team can be difficult –   You never know how they will mesh with your established culture, how they will interact with existing team members, or how true to their interview or trial-period personas they will stay…   As a teammate or team […]

Pearls of Wisdom and Growth are the Result of Irritating Coworkers

There is a difference between a minor irritating behavior and a malignant disease.   Let me begin by clarifying that this article is NOT an invitation to tolerate toxic teammates or to enable destructive behaviors. That said, we do exist in what is becoming an increasingly offended and overreactive society…   So – it is […]