Four Collaboration Catalyst Questions to send up and down and across your organization

How often do your people talk?

How often do they share information that isn’t just shallow conversation?

How well do they know what other people are working on and how they might be able to assist?

If you are having issues with collaboration in your organization, the key is to ASSC! (always stay sincerely curious)


At EVERY level of the organization, you should encourage people to share the following four questions with people who are above them, below them, and across from them in different areas or divisions to build a network of teammates who have a better understanding of team challenges and a better appreciation for the people they work with and beside.


The FOUR Collaboration Catalyst Questions:

What do you invest time and energy into that you don’t get paid for?

This is a question that provides information about what your co-worker is passionate about, and shares insights into their outside the office activities and interests.


What are you working on now?

This is a question that provides insight into what your co-worker is excited about – this is where you may be able to provide ideas that are helpful or suggest connections that would benefit them in their work.


What would you like to learn next?

This is a question that provides information about where they want to GROW and what skills or experiences they are interested in acquiring. It may also inspire their own internal curiosity about what else they can do to serve the team.


What is your biggest work challenge right now?

This is a question that provides more useful insight into what your co-worker is challenged by – and this area of challenge may be where you can provide ideas that are helpful or suggest connections that would assist them in their efforts.


As a teammate or team leader, a significant part of your success will be determined by the connections you help to create among the members of your team – and across the divisions of your organization.

Using these four catalyst questions will inspire more collaboration across your organization…


If you are looking for more questions to share with your team, check out my Conversation Cards – a set of 54 questions you can use over and over again in meetings with your team to create more connections and strengthen relationships!