Category Archives: Great Results

Symptoms are Seldom the True Cause of Team Issues

No matter what team issues your group is experiencing, odds are that the true cause of your pain is seldom cured by addressing only the symptoms. While I am certainly not a doctor, there are interesting correlations between how we manage both common medical issues and negative organizational behaviors. Have you ever had a headache? […]

To Increase Dependability, Ask Your Team to “Hold the Rope”

If you want your team to demonstrate and increase their dependability and leadership, then ask them to “hold the rope” Coach Jeff Tedford still has the most wins in the history of the California bears Football Program. He was known by many of his peers and players as “The Rope Guy.” He asks his athletes […]

Seven Great Ways to Deal With Whiners on Your Team

 Virtually every office, faculty, or athletic group has at least one whiner, and the rest of the group find themselves looking for ways to deal with whiners. Whiners are just regular people with an irrational response to reality. The simple truth is that while most successful people invest their time in solving problems and taking […]

Team Building is Essential Bridge Maintenance

When you think of famous bridges, team building is likely not on your list – but it is truly an essential bridge that needs maintenance to keep the people on your team working effectively together. What essential bridge did you think of?  Probably either the Golden Gate or the Brooklyn, depending upon which part of […]

Make Team Accountability Fun With a Consequence Bowl

If you would like to improve your team accountability, starting a fun “consequence bowl” tradition may be exactly what your people need. It should not only be the responsibility of the team leader to hold others on the team accountable. All team members or staff should actively claim ownership for their own behaviors and for […]

Five Great Teamwork Verses From the Bible

There are certainly many other Bible verses that could be discussed as relating to great teamwork, but this list identifies five that are strong and inspiring examples for the topic. Improving organizational teamwork is the goal of most team building activities, and like most any other subject, the Bible provides wisdom about how to achieve […]

What is Teamwork? Here’s a Great Working Definition…

Do you need a great working definition to share with your team when they ask the question “what is teamwork?”  Defining what teamwork is can certainly help to guide better decisions and actions. People too often share phrases like “Together Everyone Achieves More,” or “teamwork makes the dream work,” but seldom understand exactly what they should be […]

Nice Guys CAN Finish First and Lead a Great Team

Whether it is heard in athletics, business, or even academics, the notion that nice guys cannot lead or finish first has become commonplace. Too many people subscribe to the old saying, “nice guys always finish last.” As quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons, Matt Ryan has become known as a “nice guy,” and that has led […]

The Top 20 Team Building Outcomes Your People Will Value

 When considering a team building event, you should know and be prepared to discuss the outcomes that you most value and the take-aways you desire your team to enjoy following the event. There are virtually hundreds of team challenges and activities available that provide outcomes ranging from trust building, to improving accountability practices, to defining […]