Author Archives: Sean Glaze

Add Common SINCE to STOP WISHING and Improve Ownership Thinking on Your Team

Have you noticed that there is a HUGE difference in the productivity of people who are WISHING versus people who accept reality and move forward with action?   One of my high school coaches years ago used to say that “Wishing is what people do when they don’t want to work”   And the more […]

Use the 30-30-30 Rule for Personal Development to Improve Yourself as a Teammate

Follow my blog with Bloglovin img class=”alignleft wp-image-10624″ src=”” alt=”” width=”328″ height=”295″ />   Both good AND great are enemies of better… So the surest ways to separate yourself is to continue to improve and ensure your personal development.   One of the Ten Commandments of Winning Teammates is to Stay Coachable!   And it […]

How Do You Create Buy-In and Get People To Go All-In On ANY Team?

One of the great challenges of teammates who care or team leaders who are struggling to inspire commitment is the question. It is a question I hear dozens of times from people at speaking events and conferences… It is a questions that I am sure YOU have asked yourself if you have EVER been on […]

The BEST $20 You Can Spend to Improve Teamwork

Recognition and morale have a tremendous impact on the productivity of your team. And, as a teammate or team leader, one of the greatest challenges is to EFFECTIVELY spend your professional development money so you improve teamwork and create a positive, high-performing culture.   But that is the problem…   Much like the old marketing […]

How do Short Team Building Ideas Deliver REAL Impact?

As a leader, you are always looking for short team building ideas that will deliver impact and inspire your people to be better teammates. There are dozens of simple activities that you can use to accomplish this, but the main focus should NOT be the activities you use.   Activities are simply tools – but […]

7 Ways to Build Relationships that Improve Teamwork in Your Office

An important part of the message I often share with teams and team leaders is the idea that you must have TWO vital connections to get energy from your people:   1.  They must connect to a compelling common goal 2.   They must connect to each other   It is true that connecting to the […]

2 Teambuilding Activities to Use at Your Conference to Boost Interaction and Impact

We remember what we experience! And when you are planning a conference, as important as the content of your chosen speakers will be, Conferences are about CONNECTIONS!   As an event professional, these three goals are important to keep in mind when you are hiring speakers and putting together your conference agenda:   1-Connecting people […]

How to Increase attendance, engagement and impact at your next conference!

One of the things that I am most proud of as a teamwork and teambuilding speaker is the audience engagement during my programs and the impact that is seen following them. As a coach and teacher for two decades, I learned what most experienced event professionals also know – that TELLING IS NOT TEACHING!   […]

5 Examples of Important SOFT Skills that Ignite Workplace Performance

As important as technical skills and knowledge may be in your industry, team leaders and teammates soon realize that the soft stuff is really the hard stuff. Workplace performance is the result of developing your people beyond the normal range of technical skills. Emphasizing soft skills is not just important – it is vital to […]

If an Onboarding Plan is NOT Your Greatest Challenge with New Teammates, What Is?

As a team leader or member, one of the greatest challenges you have is welcoming a new teammate and “showing them the ropes.” But onboarding is NOT the most important part of bringing in someone new. As a teacher and coach, I used to tell my students and athletes that it was less important how […]