As you and your team begin to move forward in your plans for a successful 2016, it will be helpful for you to reflect on and share the following powerful image quotes
Category Archives: Educators Teambuilding
Team leadership improves drastically when you turn your disengaged employees into more invested teammates who are not playing the role of a processional caterpillar.
a constant focus on what is missing, or what needs to get better, or where the flaws are can turn aspirations into frustrations.
As a coach, or manager, or principal, or leader in any arena, rather than seeing the hole, we should step back more often to appreciate the doughnut. We should find things to be grateful for.
October is here, and that means that we are in the middle of Football Season! For millions of fans who have been holding their breath and suffering through the desolation of late summer athletic programming, the next dozen weekends will be a feast of entertainment. As a basketball coach, even I can appreciate the excitement […]
Successful teamwork begins with establishing crystal clear expectations. This is true not just for leaders, but for communication between teammates as well. The more intentional you can be about ensuring your message is received, understood, and acted upon the more success your team will enjoy. Still, the reality is that every organization struggles at times […]
Today’s guest post is by Mike Figliuolo, co-author of Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results (you can get your copy by clicking here). (You can learn more about Mike and the book at the end of the post.) Here’s Mike: Erin joined your team about a year ago. […]
I was reminded of an important technique you can use to motivate your team while talking with my son about the basketball camp he attended this week. One of the things that makes him a good player is intrinsic motivation – he practices on his own because he just enjoys getting better. He doesn’t do […]
Teachers have used assigned seats for decades to arrange and organize students in their classrooms, because it was convenient. In my classroom, I used to assign seats and would switch up those assignments at different points during the year to allow students to interact and build relationships with people that they otherwise likely wouldn’t have […]
The truth is that whistles aren’t necessary. As a young coach, I thought I needed a whistle to get my players’ attention and ensure they were listening to me. Turns out, a few years into my coaching career I learned that it wasn’t the whistle that truly earned their attention. Sure, it was disruptive and […]
If you are searching for an effective event facilitator to help with any group productivity meeting, there are a number of things you should consider. A strong facilitator will discuss goals with the meeting planner and have a thorough understanding of the meeting’s purpose prior to his or her arrival. It is vital that the […]