Order The 10 Commandments of Winning Teammates Book!

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Having worked with all kinds of groups – including athletes, doctors, educators, salesmen, construction workers, and IT professionals – one clear truth is that every industry and organization needs winning teammates.

Winning teammates are servant leaders. 

They are the GLUE that holds teams together… and that keep them focused and performing well.

And today I am excited to share with you that my next book, The 10 Commandments of Winning Teammates, will be finished this July!

I think you will enjoy the story and the lessons it shares.10 teammate commandments on scroll greem image


And… to launch the book, I am asking for your help.

Would you take a moment and pre-order your copy of the Winning Teammates book today?  For doing so, you’ll get one of many pre-order rewards from me, like having your name included inside the book as a supporter!


I would be honored to have you join the book launch and help to spread this entertaining story that carries with it an important and impactful message!


Take a look at the book’s promotional website and look over the rewards available for different levels of pre-order options…

You and your team will enjoy the story and the impact it will have  –

and I will be very grateful for your help!